"The more you do the more you can do."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mind-Body Connection

First off a great big CONGRATS to Rebecca Rusch for ruling the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike race. New women's course record and many a man defeated! It's about time a woman made some commotion in Leadville seeing how Dave Wiens and Lance Armstrong have stolen the show the past couple years.

OK, enough of that. I remember reading a few years ago a book on the mind-body connection with running. Not until recently do I feel that I have really made this connection. In this book the author suggests that a runner cannot really be "in the zone" when distracted by things such as music, competition stress, traffic...so I experimented a bit this summer. I spent several days running with my music, which depending on my mood can provide inspiration. However spending several days running without my music I have come to realize that I truly cannot connect with my body to the same degree running with music as I can without. There really is nothing quite like feeling in tune with every muscle in your body, feeling each one contract and relax as you smoothly repeat leg stride after leg stride. I can feel the power orginate from my core and continue down through each leg. My arms flow unconciously in sync with each stride and it all comes together in perfect harmony. If you watch professional runners they seem to float effortlessly and eficiently even when posting sub 5 minute miles at mile 25 of a marathon. Perhaps it is a result of day after day of training their bodies, eventually they establish a completely relaxed flow. But there is no denying that alot of it is a natural talent that has been inherited through genetics. Some of us were not meant to be efficient runners and must work at it.

Anyways, can't believe Pikes is next week. Going for the double this year, something I have wanted to do for some time. Looking forward to seeing some long lost running pals!

1 comment:

Fritz Van de Kamp said...

you don't know me but just wanted to say nice work at Speedgoat 50k, PPA and PPM! The double at Pikes Peak is especially amazing.